Source code for chainfury_server.api.user

import jwt
from fastapi import HTTPException
from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from fastapi import Request, Response, Depends, Header
from typing import Annotated

from chainfury_server.utils import logger, Env
import chainfury_server.database as DB
import chainfury.types as T

[docs]def login(auth: T.ApiAuth, db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session)): user: DB.User = db.query(DB.User).filter(DB.User.username == auth.username).first() # type: ignore if user is not None and sha256_crypt.verify(auth.password, user.password): # type: ignore token = jwt.encode( payload=DB.JWTPayload(username=auth.username,, key=Env.JWT_SECRET(), ) response = {"msg": "success", "token": token} else: response = {"msg": "failed"} return response
[docs]def sign_up(auth: T.ApiSignUp, db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session)): user_exists = False email_exists = False user: DB.User = db.query(DB.User).filter(DB.User.username == auth.username).first() # type: ignore if user is not None: user_exists = True user: DB.User = db.query(DB.User).filter( == # type: ignore if user is not None: email_exists = True if user_exists and email_exists: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Username and email already registered") elif user_exists: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Username is taken") elif email_exists: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Email already registered") if not user_exists and not email_exists: # type: ignore user = DB.User( username=auth.username,, password=sha256_crypt.hash(auth.password), ) # type: ignore db.add(user) db.commit() token = jwt.encode( payload=DB.JWTPayload(username=auth.username,, key=Env.JWT_SECRET(), ) response = {"msg": "success", "token": token} else: response = {"msg": "failed"} return response
[docs]def change_password( req: Request, resp: Response, token: Annotated[str, Header()], inputs: T.ApiChangePassword, db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> T.ApiResponse: # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) if sha256_crypt.verify(inputs.old_password, user.password): password = sha256_crypt.hash(inputs.new_password) user.password = password # type: ignore db.commit() return T.ApiResponse(message="success") else: resp.status_code = 400 return T.ApiResponse(message="password incorrect")