Installing ChainFury

There are many ways to install and run the chainfury system the simplest of them all is pip install chainfury.

chainfury.components.const.Env contains all the supported environment variables.


The simplest way to start using chainfury is to use pip:

pip install chainfury
pip install chainfury_server
python3 -m chainfury_server


Docker is the simplest way to start serving chainfury internally. This can be done using the following commands:

docker build . -f Dockerfile -t chainfury
docker run -p 8000:8000 chainfury

# to pass any env config
docker run --env KEY=VALUE -p 8000:8000 chainfury

# to connect to your DB
docker run -it -E CFS_DATABASE="mysql+pymysql://<user>:<password>@<database>" -p 8000:8000 chainfury

Checkout all the: - component environment variables here - chainfury specific variables here - chainfury_server specific variables here

Build from Source

ChainFury repo ships with the Next.js client code, python fastapi server and the chainfury package that powers the fury engine. To build the entire system you can run the following commands:

# clone the repo
git clone
cd ChainFury
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

sudo apt update

#Install npm
sudo apt install npm

#Install Node.js
sudo apt install -y nodejs #Install version >= 14.0

#Install Yarn
sudo npm install -g yarn   #install yarn globally

# build the client
sh scripts/

# setup the server env
pip install setuptools
pip install -e .          # editable install the chainfury
cd server
pip install -e .          # editable install the chainfury_server

# to start the server
cd chainfury_server
