Components List

There are several components that are shipped with the chainfury. You can find how to access the underlying function via the components page.

Programatic Actions

Programatic means that these are generally not an LLM call rather something more standard like calling an API, transforming the data, etc.

  • serper-api - Search the web with Serper. Copy: programatic_actions_registry.get("serper-api")

  • call_api_requests - Call an API using the requests library. Copy: programatic_actions_registry.get("call_api_requests")

  • regex_search - Perform a regex search on the text and get items in an array. Copy: programatic_actions_registry.get("regex_search")

  • regex_substitute - Perform a regex substitution on the text and get the result. Copy: programatic_actions_registry.get("regex_substitute")

  • json_translator - Extract a value from a JSON object using a list of keys. Copy: programatic_actions_registry.get("json_translator")

AI Action Components

These actions generally take the input, create a custom prompt, call the Model and respond back with the result.

  • hello-world - Python function loaded from a file used as an AI action. Copy: ai_actions_registry.get("hello-world")

  • deep-rap-quote - J-type action will write a deep poem in the style of a character. Copy: ai_actions_registry.get("deep-rap-quote")

Memory Components

Memory components are used to store data, which can be a Vector DB or Redis, etc.

  • qdrant-write - Write to the Qdrant DB using the Qdrant client. Copy: memory_registry.get_write("qdrant-write")

  • qdrant-read - Function to read from the Qdrant DB using the Qdrant client. Copy: memory_registry.get_read("qdrant-read")

Model Components

Model are the different GenAI models that can be used from the chainfury.

  • openai-completion - Given a prompt, the model will return one or more predicted completions, and can also return the probabilities of alternative tokens at each position. Copy: model_registry.get("openai-completion")

  • openai-chat - Given a list of messages describing a conversation, the model will return a response. Copy: model_registry.get("openai-chat")

  • openai-embedding - Given a list of messages create embeddings for each message. Copy: model_registry.get("openai-embedding")

  • stability-text-to-image - Generate a new image from a text prompt. Copy: model_registry.get("stability-text-to-image")

  • chatnbx - Chat with the ChatNBX API with OpenAI compatability, see more at Copy: model_registry.get("chatnbx")