Image Generation using Stability APIs

Here’s a quick example on how you can use image generation as a part of your chain. For this we are using Stability AI’s DreamStudio APIs.

The way this current codebase works is that we can pass in a text and get back the path of the image. The location of the image storage can be improved by overriding the chainfury.utils.store_blob function with your callable.


There will be no more breaking changes to this code. Only improvements such as higher abstraction layers will be added.

>>> # you can set the API key in the your env for convenience
>>> import os
>>> os.environ["STABILITY_KEY"] = "<API_KEY>"

>>> # get the underlying API
>>> from chainfury.components.stability import stability_text_to_image

>>> # call the model
>>> out = stability_text_to_image(
...     'a cat peacefully watching the sunset, with a serene expression on its face.", by syd mead, cold color palette, muted colors, detailed, 8k'
...     # stability_api_key = "<API_KEY>" # or pass the key here
... )
>>> out = stability_text_to_image()
>>> print(out)

>>> # let's see the image
>>> from PIL import Image
a cat peacefully watching the sunset, with a serene expression on its face.", by syd mead, cold color palette, muted colors, detailed, 8k