Source code for chainfury_server.api.chains

import json
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Annotated, List, Union
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from fastapi.responses import Response, StreamingResponse
from fastapi import Depends, Header, Request, Response, HTTPException

import chainfury.types as T

import chainfury_server.database as DB
from chainfury_server.engines import engine_registry

[docs]def create_chain( req: Request, resp: Response, token: Annotated[str, Header()], chatbot_data: T.ApiCreateChainRequest, db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> Union[T.ApiChain, T.ApiResponse]: # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # validate chatbot if not resp.status_code = 400 return T.ApiResponse(message="Name not specified") if not chatbot_data.engine: resp.status_code = 400 return T.ApiResponse(message="Engine not specified") if chatbot_data.engine not in DB.ChatBotTypes.all(): resp.status_code = 400 return T.ApiResponse(message=f"Invalid engine should be one of {DB.ChatBotTypes.all()}") # DB call dag = chatbot_data.dag.dict() if chatbot_data.dag else {} chatbot = DB.ChatBot(,, dag=dag, engine=chatbot_data.engine,, description=chatbot_data.description, ) # type: ignore db.add(chatbot) db.commit() db.refresh(chatbot) # return response = T.ApiChain(**chatbot.to_dict()) return response
[docs]def get_chain( req: Request, resp: Response, token: Annotated[str, Header()], id: str, tag_id: str = "", db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> Union[T.ApiChain, T.ApiResponse]: # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # DB call filters = [ == id, DB.ChatBot.created_by ==, DB.ChatBot.deleted_at == None, ] if tag_id: filters.append(DB.ChatBot.tag_id == tag_id) chatbot = db.query(DB.ChatBot).filter(*filters).first() # type: ignore if not chatbot: resp.status_code = 404 return T.ApiResponse(message="ChatBot not found") # return return T.ApiChain(**chatbot.to_dict())
[docs]def update_chain( req: Request, resp: Response, token: Annotated[str, Header()], id: str, chatbot_data: T.ApiChain, tag_id: str = "", db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> Union[T.ApiChain, T.ApiResponse]: # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # validate chatbot update if not len(chatbot_data.update_keys): resp.status_code = 400 return T.ApiResponse(message="No keys to update") unq_keys = set(chatbot_data.update_keys) valid_keys = {"name", "description", "dag"} if not unq_keys.issubset(valid_keys): resp.status_code = 400 return T.ApiResponse(message=f"Invalid keys {unq_keys.difference(valid_keys)}") # DB Call filters = [ == id, DB.ChatBot.created_by ==, DB.ChatBot.deleted_at == None, ] if tag_id: filters.append(DB.ChatBot.tag_id == tag_id) chatbot: DB.ChatBot = db.query(DB.ChatBot).filter(*filters).first() # type: ignore if not chatbot: resp.status_code = 404 return T.ApiResponse(message="ChatBot not found") for field in unq_keys: if field == "name": = # type: ignore elif field == "description": chatbot.description = chatbot_data.description # type: ignore elif field == "dag": chatbot.dag = chatbot_data.dag.dict() # type: ignore db.commit() db.refresh(chatbot) # return return T.ApiChain(**chatbot.to_dict())
[docs]def delete_chain( req: Request, resp: Response, token: Annotated[str, Header()], id: str, tag_id: str = "", db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> T.ApiResponse: # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # DB Call filters = [ == id, DB.ChatBot.created_by ==, DB.ChatBot.deleted_at == None, ] if tag_id: filters.append(DB.ChatBot.tag_id == tag_id) chatbot: DB.ChatBot = db.query(DB.ChatBot).filter(*filters).first() # type: ignore if not chatbot: resp.status_code = 404 return T.ApiResponse(message="ChatBot not found") chatbot.deleted_at = db.commit() # return return T.ApiResponse(message=f"ChatBot: '{}' ({}) deleted")
[docs]def list_chains( req: Request, resp: Response, token: Annotated[str, Header()], skip: int = 0, limit: int = 10, tag_id: str = "", db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> T.ApiListChainsResponse: # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # DB Call filters = [ DB.ChatBot.created_by ==, DB.ChatBot.deleted_at == None, ] if tag_id: filters.append(DB.ChatBot.tag_id == tag_id) chatbots: List[DB.ChatBot] = db.query(DB.ChatBot).filter(*filters).offset(skip).limit(limit).all() # type: ignore # return return T.ApiListChainsResponse( chatbots=[T.ApiChain(**chatbot.to_dict()) for chatbot in chatbots], )
[docs]def run_chain( req: Request, resp: Response, id: str, token: Annotated[str, Header()], prompt: T.ApiPromptBody, stream: bool = False, as_task: bool = False, store_ir: bool = False, store_io: bool = False, db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ) -> Union[StreamingResponse, T.CFPromptResult, T.ApiResponse]: """ This is the master function to run any chain over the API. This can behave in a bunch of different formats like: - (default) this will wait for the entire chain to execute and return the response - if ``stream`` is passed it will give a streaming response with line by line JSON and last response containing ``"done":true`` - if ``as_task`` is passed then a task ID is received and you can poll for the results at ``/chains/{id}/results`` this supercedes the ``stream``. """ # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # validate input if not prompt.session_id: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Session ID not specified") if prompt.chat_history: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="chat history is not supported yet") if prompt.new_message and raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="new_message and data cannot be passed together") elif not prompt.new_message and not raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="new_message or data must be passed") # DB call filters = [ == id, DB.ChatBot.created_by ==, DB.ChatBot.deleted_at == None, ] chatbot = db.query(DB.ChatBot).filter(*filters).first() # type: ignore if not chatbot: resp.status_code = 404 return T.ApiResponse(message="ChatBot not found") # call the engine engine = engine_registry.get(chatbot.engine) if engine is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"Invalid engine {chatbot.engine}") if as_task: # when run as a task this will return a task ID that will be submitted result = engine.submit( chatbot=chatbot, prompt=prompt, db=db, start=time.time(), store_ir=store_ir, store_io=store_io, ) return result elif stream: def _get_streaming_response(result): for ir, done in result: if done: ir.pop("result") result = {**ir, "done": done} else: if type(ir) == str: ir = {"main_out": ir} result = {**ir, "done": done} yield json.dumps(result) + "\n" streaming_result = chatbot=chatbot, prompt=prompt, db=db, start=time.time(), store_ir=store_ir, store_io=store_io, ) return StreamingResponse(content=_get_streaming_response(streaming_result)) else: result = chatbot=chatbot, prompt=prompt, db=db, start=time.time(), store_ir=store_ir, store_io=store_io, ) return result
[docs]def get_chain_metrics( req: Request, resp: Response, id: str, token: Annotated[str, Header()], db: Session = Depends(DB.fastapi_db_session), ): # validate user user = DB.get_user_from_jwt(token=token, db=db) # DB call results = db.query(func.count()).filter(DB.Prompt.chatbot_id == id).all() # type: ignore metrics = {"total_conversations": results[0][0]} hourly_average_latency = ( db.query(DB.Prompt) .filter(DB.Prompt.chatbot_id == id) # type: ignore .filter(DB.Prompt.created_at >= - timedelta(hours=24)) .with_entities( (func.substr(DB.Prompt.created_at, 1, 14)).label("hour"), func.avg(DB.Prompt.time_taken).label("avg_time_taken"), ) .group_by((func.substr(DB.Prompt.created_at, 1, 14))) .all() ) latency_per_hour = [] for item in hourly_average_latency: created_datetime = item[0] + "00:00" latency_per_hour.append({"created_at": created_datetime, "time": item[1]}) return {"metrics": metrics, "latencies": latency_per_hour}